#BACKTONATURE, Untitled n°90
Around them, a table, right by fallen trees, in between landmarks. Natural objects only. No, air volumes, just air volumes. A familiar landscape. Territories. Stage lights. A digital direction. Recorded birds. Confusion. Both real make-up, and the other one. Yes, himself truly wondering: how can we keep on watching that fucking TV? Thoughts about the human condition in a foreign land, written in the notebook. Letting everything go, the past, the rules, the barriers, everything — or are those just words? Yes, more nature, let go of the urbanised, capitalist and technocratic world. Yes, enough time for being true to yourself, afterall. Hashtag camping. Happiness, you said happiness - question mark.
Elegant concept by: Antoine Dupuy Larbre
Swell performance by: Antoine Dupuy Larbre & Mooni Van Tichel
Body-mind fusion advisory board: Anja Röttgerkamp, Bojana Cvejić, Diane Madden
In delighted discussion with Urtė Groblytė & le projet GÉO
Created in the frame of P.A.R.T.S. 13th Training Cycle, third and last year (June 2022)
Self-made collage with texts excerpted from the world wide web
(complete credits and sources of inspiration on www.leprojetgeo.net)
Language: English (no translation)
Warnings: contains nudity
“#BACKTONATURE, Untitled n°90” is presented in the Wednesday 29th June
Wednesday 29th June / 19:30 / ⧖2h and 20 minutes (including one interval)
Venue: P.A.R.T.S. - Avenue Van Volxemlaan 164, 1190 Brussels
For TICKETS click here
Practical info here