INTERMEDIATE PROGRAM 1 - WEEK 4 (31/07–04/08/2023)
PIlates with Gilles Pollet
The class focuses on gaining greater articulation of the body through building specificity and clarity. We will build strength and find release as we work through particular muscle groups and joints with targeted exercises. We will work towards increasing our range of movement by physically understanding the shape of our joints. We focus on the initiation of movement through deeper muscle engagement. The class seeks to give participants a better understanding of their own biomechanics through physical sensation.
Biography Gilles Pollet >>
Contemporary technique class with Laura Aris Alvarez
Power sources / Revisiting and Moving Forward
This contemporary dance class overviews some fundamental aspects of contemporary dance, such as weight transfer, use of space, breathing, speed, qualities and textures. Furthermore, we will look at the intentions behind the movement.
A technical part will explore the physical mechanisms that allow us to take risks and protect the body at the same time. Emphasis will be placed on the structure of the skeleton and muscle chains to find greater freedom in our movement. I offer tools to enhance fluidity in one's own dance to recycle and save energy. I often use metaphors and images to create new kinaesthetic experiences and improve awareness; in a constant search for dancers' mental, physical and emotional balance.
Biography Laura Aris Alvarez >>
Workshop Tools for composing dance to music with Thomas Vantuycom
In this workshop, we’ll explore a range of tools that we can use when dancing to music. Different pieces of music will act as models to draw inspiration from, and we’ll practise the ideas and principles we discover through improvised and written dances. Our attempts will hover between the intuition of dancing to a beat and the rigour of working with a score, all the while indulging in the potent power that music possesses; whether through its rhythm, its melody, or its lyrics. As the week progresses, we’ll pay more attention to dancing together—dancing in choir—and relating to one another like a band or an orchestra. No prior musical training is needed.
Biography Thomas Vantuycom >>