en nl

Gabriel Schenker US

Gabriel Schenker was born in Washington D.C., raised in Rio de Janeiro, and lives in Brussels for the past twelve years. He started his professional career with ‘Cia. Deborah Collker’ in Rio de Janeiro, before studying in P.A.R.T.S. between 2004-2008. After four years at P.A.R.T.S. he co-founded the collective Busy Rocks with whom he created and performed a variety of works such as Dominos and Butterflies and Throwing Rocks. Since leaving studies, Gabriel also has collaborated as a performer with a variety of choreographers such as Eleanor Bauer, Robin Jonsson, Doris Stelzer, and Alexandra Bachzetsis. More steadily, he has collaborated with Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker/Rosas, in the creation of Cesena, performing in Zeitung, and Work/Travail/Arbeid; and Thomas Hauert/Zoo with the creation of You’ve Changed, Mono, replacing in Accords, and Inaudible. He has also authored two pieces on the last years: Moving~Thinking, an artistic research that culminated with the development of a dance-speech score exploring the relations and divergences between different modes of thinking, and Pulse Constellations, exploring the multi-layered complexity of John McGuire's electronic piece of music.

Next to activities in the arts, Gabriel also engaged in a MA program at the European Graduate School which culminated in his philosophical dissertation Organic Texture: A Dialogue between Deleuze and Guattari, the Life Sciences, and Catherine Malabou. The dissertation, which has been published by Atropos Press, proposes new understandings of Deleuze and Guattari's conceptualizations of organic bodies, in dialogue both with molecular biology and with Catherine Malabou's work on plasticity. Presently he is following a MA program on Anthropology at KU Leuven. In addition to his artistic and academic practices, Gabriel has been more and more involved with different pedagogical projects. He is a certified Pilates instructor and has taught Pilates at Rosas, Zoo, P.A.R.T.S., and Manufacture in Lausanne. He also taught both dance and theory classes/workshops, at the Raffinerie/Brussels, DOCH/Stockholm, DDSKS/Copenhagen and Manufacture/Lausanne. He has been assisting Thomas Hauert in the development and coordination of a new three-year BA in Contemporary Dance at the Manufacture/Lausanne, and has been collaborating with Steven De Belder et al. at P.A.R.T.S. in the development of the new Research and Studios programs.