en nl

Isabelle Dekeyser BE

Isabelle Dekeyser (1978, Belgium) started her dance training at ‘De Leuvense Balletakademie’ and with David Hernandez (’t Stuk, Leuven). After graduating from P.A.R.T.S. in 1999, she went to New York to continue her training at the Trisha Brown Studio, and with a.o. Stephen Petronio, Janet Panetta, Lance Gries, Back in Belgium she danced in different creations of Salva Sanchis and Joanne Leighton. She also worked as a shadow actor in a performance for kids by Bruno Vansina.
Since 2007 she’s teaching at Dancingkids (weekly classes for kids and teenagers organised by Rosas) and giving workshops to primary schools all over Brussels.