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Martin Nachbar DE

Martin Nachbar is dancer and choreographer and writes for several dance and theater magazines. He received his training at the School for New Dance Development (Amsterdam), in New York and at P.A.R.T.S. (Brussels). In 2010, he received a master’s degree at the Amsterdam Master of Choreography (AMCh). He is currently a PhD candidate at the HCU Hamburg. His collaborations include engagements with Les Ballets C. de la B. and Vera Mantero, shared works with Thomas Plischke, Jochen Roller and Martine Pisani, with composer Benjamin Schweitzer and with dramaturge Jeroen Peeters as well as a cooperation with visual artist Paul Hendrikse. He received several grants and prizes, among which the first Choreography Award Ludwigshafen 2006. His pieces, including “Repeater – Dance Piece with Father”, “Urheben Aufheben – Reconstructing Dore Hoyer” and “Animal Dances”, tour internationally. Martin Nachbar teaches regulary in improvisation, contact improvisation, choreography/composition and physical dramaturgy since 2001.