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Natasha Soobremanien UK

Natasha Soobramanien is a London-born writer based in Brussels, working across the fields of contemporary art and literature. She is writing a collaborative novel-in-instalments, ‘Diego Garcia' with Luke Williams, to be published by Fitzcarraldo Editions in 2020. Chapters have so far appeared in The White Review and BOMB magazine and will appear in volume 6 of Semiotext(e)’s occasional anthology series Animal Shelter, and as a publication by Book Works in their forthcoming Dialecty series (Previous chapters are available here: http://diegogarciabook.tumblr.com/.). Her writing has appeared in Frieze Magazine, Happy Hypocrite and Starship Magazine, and has been commissioned by The Serpentine Gallery.In January 2018, her short story, The Architects, was published in JOB INTERVIEWS, an anthology of artists' fiction edited by Chris Evans as part of his 2017 show for Para Site Gallery in Hong Kong. She has worked with artists on a range of projects, participating in Melissa Gordon's Female Genius Nightclub at WIELS in 2017 as part of Rita McBride's show Explorer. In 2016 she co-programmed Smarginature for LydGalleriet in Bergen with Daniela Cascella, and in 2015 co-programmed Plastic Words at Raven Row in London, an event series that explored the interstices of art and literature. In 2014 she edited Gerry Bibby’s debut novel, The Drumhead (Sternberg Press, 2014), commissioned by If I Can’t Dance (Edition V – Appropriation and Dedication).

Her novel, Genie and Paul (Myriad Editions, 2012) will be published by Gallimard/Continents Noirs in April 2018, translated by Nathacha Appanah.