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Noé Soulier FR

Born in Paris in 1987, Noé Soulier studied at the National Ballet School of Canada and P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels. He received a master’s degree in philosophy at La Sorbonne University (Paris IV) and took part in Palais de Tokyo’s residency program: Le Pavillon. In 2010, he won the first prize of the competition Danse Élargie, organized by Le Théâtre de la Ville in Paris and Le Musée de la Danse with the trio Little Perceptions in which he started an ongoing research on ways of defining movement. With the solo Movement on Movement (2013), he dissociates gestures from speech to question how they collaborate to create meaning. In 2014, he explored the syntax of ballet vocabulary with Corps de ballet for the CCN – Ballet de Lorraine. In Movement Materials (2014) and Removing (2015), he develops further the research initiated with Little perceptions on the perception and interpretation of movement. In October 2016, he publishes Actions, mouvements et gestes, a choreographic research that takes the form of a book, with the press of the Centre national de la danse.