
INTERMEDIATE PROGRAM 1 - WEEK 2 (17–21/07/2023)

Yoga class with Laia Puig Escandell
Unfold & unlock your personal potential
During this time we will be introduced to Yoga as a holistic practice. The five points of the holistic system are: proper exercise (Asana), proper breathing (Pranayama), proper relaxation (Savasana), proper diet (vegetarian), positive thinking and meditation (Vedanta and Dhyana), although we will mainly work on the first 2-3 points.
This Yoga classes will be the moment to unfold and unblock, first physiologically and then into deeper levels of awareness, identifying our unnecessary/not useful patterns and habits, and letting go of them.
Balancing, strengthening and stretching the body, increasing concentration and learning to closely listen, read and explore our bodies for better understanding and efficiency.
This way each of us individually can connect with our own potential, tune into a deeper intelligence, expand ourselves as artists and as humans and share it with the community and the world. I hope you all enjoy the process of unfolding yourselves.
Biography Laia Puig Escandell >>

Contemporary technique class with Youness Khoukhou
The class starts with a series of bodywork preparations based on breathing exercises that relate to the anatomical structure of our bodies. This leads us to sensitivity and listening, opening up our bodies and creating spaces for dialogue. Together, we conduct a quick physical investigation and study of different schemas that we rely on to move. After that, I propose different schemas that provide constant movement dialogue within the body and its surroundings, working with the notion of instability and momentum. This leads us to let the body express immediate sensations through movement, making the body available for endless possibilities.

Biography Youness Khoukhou >>

Workshop Germaine Acogny Technique with Alesandra Seutin
This workshop offers dancers the opportunity to experiment with Acogny technique, a technique based on the heritage dances of the African continent developed by Germaine Acogny, a Franco-Senegalese choreographer and historical figure considered to be the "mother of contemporary West African dance". Embodying grounded and inside out movement qualities to connect with oneself, the others and the universe. Exploring the spine, its movement, fluidity and versatility to amplify transformation of Movements. Dancing with truth. Tuning into the voice to generate a flow and expansive quality of movement with a focus on dynamism and performance.
How does one find a natural groove, respond to the pulse of the heart, beat of a sound and live in the movement with poise, power and vitality.
Biography Alesandra Seutin >>