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Youness Khoukhou MA

Youness khoukhou (Marrakech, 1984), studied dance in Marrakech, Tunis and in Belgium where he graduated from P.A.R.T.S in 2012.
As a dancer/performer he collaborated in the performances, Soleils by Pierre Droulers, "Primitive" and "Evol" by Claire Croizé and in the repertoire project "ReZeitung" by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. He collaborated and danced in the performances 'Therians' and 'Clearing' with Louise Vannest, 'Elephant' with Bouchra Ouizgen and Move (on) by Tg stan. He also dances in the performances '7' and 'Libya' by Radouan Mriziga. danced in “ Hink Stap Spring” with Inne Goris.
As a creator and choreographer, he worked with Pierre Droulers on 'Each today is yesterday's tomorrow'. He created the performance 'Becoming' in 2015 and 'Noon' in 2018. In 2023, he developed the performance Naked Journey around the question: "What is the body beyond "references”.

Workshops, coaching and guest lectureships:
Faculty member P.A.R.T.S. (since 2022)
KASK School of Arts Ghent
ISAC institut Supérieur des arts et chorégraphies Brussels (since 2018)
Arabesque - Meknes and Espace Darja - Casablanca
Colmeia Criativa, Goiânia, Brazil