en nl

SummerSchool & SummerStudios are back!

It's happening! From July 18 until August 19th P.A.R.T.S.
organizes a new edition of SummerSchool and SummerStudios, while the previous two editions got cancelled due to covid.
All info about the program & inscriptions can be found on our website:
SummerSchool 2022
SummerStudios 2022

For SummerSchool we kept the original elements of the program: morning classes (yoga, Pilates, ballet, contemporary, ...), creative workshops and Rosas repertoire by longstanding teachers of P.A.R.T.S. and a young generation of Brussels based artists and pedagogues. The program offers 4 different levels, aiming at amateurs and professionals alike, from 16 years old.

SummerSchool is also the public kick off of a new collaboration with Platform-K. Since January Rosas and P.A.R.T.S. support the Brussels trajectory of Platform-K, offering dance studio on a weekly basis for an introductory course contemporary dance aimed at Brussels youngsters and young adults with (mental) disabilities. Furthermore we share office space with Platform-K and by creating this proximity we aim at a longstanding collaboration, exchanging knowledge on inclusion. During SummerSchool, Platform-K participants will be able to take part in a wide range of regular classes and workshops, accompanied by a caretaker.

Teachers SummerSchool 2022:
Laia Puig Escandell
(ES), Michael Helland (US),Stéphane Bourhis (FR), Chloe Chignell
(AU), Benjamin Vandewalle (BE), Douglas Becker (US), Libby Farr (US), Roman Van Houtven (BE), Alesandra Seutin (ZW/BE/UK), David Hernandez (US), Laura Aris
(ES), Rakesh Sukesh (IN), Youness Khoukhou (MA), Yuika Hashimoto (JP), Jos Baker
(UK), Sue-Yeon Youn (KR), Tale Dolven (NO), Clinton Stringer (ZA), Emmi Väisänen (FI/BE), Femke Gyselinck (BE), Vera Tussing (DE), Peter Savel (SK), Susanne Bentley (NZ/BE), Steven Michel(FR), Michael Pomero (FR) and Marie Goudot (FR).
Live music by Pieter Smout(BE) and Elizabeth Flynn (CA).

And there is more...
With SummerStudios, a collaboration between Rosas and P.A.R.T.S., we aim to meet a real need for workspace and creative meeting places in Brussels' vibrant art scene.

This edition of SummerStudios not only offers free, professionally equipped dance studios for young artists, but also thematic workshops on inclusion, intergenerational work & the relationship between dance and nature, and showcases, lectures and film screenings.

Most activities will happen on our premises, but we will be breaking out of our familiar grounds too, spreading the P.A.R.T.S. energy into public spaces in and around Brussels:
- a workshop on inclusion co-organized by Platform-K and guided by Benjamin Vandewalle, aimed at professional dancers and choreographers who have the ambition to work actively on inclusion by shifting perspective.
- an intergenerational workshop in public space (Place St-Denis) with Seppe Baeyens
- a West Side Story dance battle (Sharks vs. Jets) with Clinton Stringer
- Hand power, horse labour and dance, a workshop with Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Corentin Hannon in collaboration with De School van Gaasbeek

Tessa Hall
, alumnus of P.A.R.T.S. will curate Free Fridays where participants of SummerSchool and SummerStudios can showcase and get feedback in an informal context, complimented with a series of lectures and movie projections.

Interested to take part and join SummerSchool?

Interested to apply for a residency at SummerStudios?

Interested to take part in one of the special project workshops?

Stay tuned for the program of Free Fridays

SummerStudios is supported by VGC (Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie)

Ingrid Maes1