
ELEMENTARY PROGRAM - WEEK 2 (15-19 July 2024)

Yoga class with Anne Pajunen
In this class we return to the beginner’s mind and take time to build a solid foundation for our Yoga practice. We will be introduced to the basic principles of Yoga as a holistic practice, mainly focusing on Asana (dynamic, internal dances in the form of postures) and Pranayama (breathing practices). The meditative aspect of Yoga will be emphasized as we invite the body-mind and the senses to seek calm and relaxation. This class is not limited to any specific style of Yoga but rather inspired by many. We will mainly work with Hatha yoga and add elements of a flow practice focusing on Vinyasa. Exercises from other somatic techniques might also be introduced in support of the Asana practice. The class aims to build a well-balanced practice that strengthens and aligns, opens, and unfolds, releasing us to move through the day with a feeling of ease, both on and off the Yoga mat.
Biography Anne Pajunen>>

Contemporary technique class with Youness Khoukhou
The class is a blend of technique and creativity, beginning with bodywork preparation focused on breathing exercises in relation to the anatomical structure of movement. This approach nurtures sensitivity, improves listening skills, and fosters opportunities for dialogue within. Through physical exploration and the examination of various movement patterns, we gain insight into our capabilities and develop awareness.
Working and Embracing the notion of instability and momentum, will lead the body to express immediate sensations through movement, unlocking endless possibilities.

Biography Youness Khoukhou

Permaculture into dance / A collaborative practice based workshop with Jason Respilieux

This joint study and movement workshop investigates on the principles and ethics of permaculture. A springboard to explore sensations and the possible transposition of permacultural principles into dance and compositional tools.
This guided workshop focuses on collaborative and cooperative practices with all participants. We will look, touch, converse, hear, imagine together. We will search for singularity within the collective. We will create a space where our personal practices can co-exist.
The workshop encourages the moving body to accept unapologetically habits, flaws, occurrences and to (re)discover our senses through learning, observing and interacting with others.
It is aimed at anyone who is curious in combining study, research and movement practices. A workshop that invites us to connect to our senses, our body, our mind and questions :
How do I situate myself ?
How do I relate to my immediate and/or imaginary surrounding ?

Biography Jason Respilieux >>